Reconnective Healing
In 2002, when I was just starting my practice, I had an odd encounter in the freezer section at a local Whole Foods. A woman – who I didn’t know – engaged me in conversation about health. When she learned that I was a Naturopathic doctor, she became very excited and asked to see my hands. Curious, I complied. She placed her hands on mine, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then, after a few seconds, released my hands and said, “it is complete.” I looked at her questioningly, and she replied, “go now and use your hands to bring healing to others.” Then she walked away without another word, leaving me surprised and understandably speechless.
I never forgot this bizarre interaction. I’ve always wondered: did something happen to me in that moment? Was I given some sort of gift? Or had I just randomly met a crazy lady? I’ve never been really sure. A few years later I mentioned the event to a good friend of mine and she suggested I look up a man named Eric Pearl, a chiropractor in Los Angeles doing a new form of energy healing called Reconnective Healing. I took her advice and bought his book, The Reconnection. I read it cover to cover in one day, but as often happens in life, the time just wasn’t right. I put the book on the shelf and didn’t think much about it for about 10 years.
This last August, for some reason, I picked up the book again. Reading it reminded me of that strange day in the Whole Foods freezer section and I realized that I wanted to experience Reconnective Healing. And so, I found myself in Los Angeles at a four day training with Dr. Pearl and his team. It was an amazing experience and I’m excited to share it with you.
So what is Reconnective Healing? I’ll let Dr. Pearl describe it to you. Visit Dr. Reddy’s Clinic to know more.
If you have more time and want a fuller experience, watch this.